Campus Climate
The Student Population
Unlike other student demographic statistics, IU does not collect or publish any records about the trans and/or gender nonconforming student population.
IU’s Diversity Statement
Approved by the Bloomington Faculty Council: January 17, 2017 Diversity is a central component of our academic mission at Indiana University Bloomington; our teaching, learning, scholarship, research, and creativity are immeasurably enriched by students, faculty, and staff with diverse experiences. We at Indiana University Bloomington understand diversity as the experiences, values, practices, and worldviews stemming from varied cultures and circumstances (including, but not limited to, those from historically underrepresented groups). Furthermore, in our educational mission to enrich understandings of community, citizenship, nationhood, and global relationships, we also believe it is important to recognize and remedy historic imbalances in allocation of resources to teaching, research, service, and campus culture. In doing so, we strive to teach our students to value the inclusion of people from groups that experience discrimination and underrepresentation and, ultimately, to respect, explore, and celebrate differences. This endeavor prepares our students to participate in national and global communities that require them to embrace and understand differences in order to foster fruitful relationships. Indiana University Bloomington’s educational mission and its status as an international institution mandate the centrality of diversity to our campus.
To retain its leadership role within the educational community, our campus must do more than merely promote policies of nondiscrimination as articulated in the Equal Opportunity/ Affirmative Action Policy of Indiana University. We must include all who comprise our university community and foster a campus climate in which diverse influences are respected and valued. Consequently, Indiana University Bloomington prohibits discrimination based on arbitrary consideration of such characteristics as age, citizenship, color, disability, ethnicity, familial obligations, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, national origin or ancestry, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, socio-economic background, or veteran status. This campus is to remain a place of tolerance and respect for all, where diversity of opinions are civilly debated. Our pledge to diversity is an indispensable principle— vital to our goal of an inclusive campus community and governing all students, personnel, and arenas of campus engagement in pursuit of Indiana University Bloomington’s teaching, research, and service missions. This commitment to diversity extends beyond a set of ideas or nondiscrimination policies; we actively strive to promote diversity, expand access, create a safe and supportive environment, and foster a community that embraces and celebrates all groups.
IU’s Residential Programs and Services Statement on Diversity
The Division of Residential Programs & Services is professionally and personally committed to celebrating the rich diversity of people who live in, work in, or visit our residence halls and apartment housing communities. We believe that our living environment must foster freedom of thought and opinion in the spirit of mutual respect. All of our programs, activities, and interactions are enriched by accepting each other as we are and by celebrating our uniqueness, as well as our commonality.
The diversity of our communities takes many forms. It includes differences related to race, culture, geography, ethnicity, national origin, gender, gender identity and expression, genetic information, sexual orientation, religion, age, ability, socio-economic background, education, job role and function, and veteran and military status. We believe that any attempt to oppress any individual or group is a threat to everyone in the community. We are guided by the principle that celebrating diversity enriches and empowers the lives of all people.
Therefore, everyone who chooses to live in, work in, or visit our communities must understand that we will not tolerate any form of bigotry, harassment, intimidation, threat, or abuse, whether verbal or written, physical or psychological, direct or implied. Alcohol or substance abuse, ignorance, life experiences, anger, or, "it was just a joke", will not be accepted as an excuse. We will respond to such behavior in an appropriate manner, recognizing that education is our most powerful tool.
Our communities are rich, alive, dynamic, and inclusive environments designed to enable all individuals to stretch and grow to their full potential. Only by challenging our assumptions through exploring and understanding our diversities can we create an environment where innovation, individuality, and creativity are maintained. We pledge ourselves to this end.