Partner Services

Counseling Services

Let’s Talk

Let’s Talk is a free, confidential, and informal conversation with an emphasis on self-understanding and finding solutions to your problems provided by CAPS. In addition to your walk-in conversation, Let’s Talk connects you to other accessible campus resources, both informal and formal.

Let's Talk will be available in-person at the LGBTQ+ Culture Center on the last Wednesday of every month from 3:30 - 5:00 pm. No appointment necessary.

Embedded Counseling

This year, the LGBTQ+ Culture Center is partnering with Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) to have an embedded counselor at the LGBTQ+ Culture Center on Mondays from 12-4pm. Mollibeth Penner, LHMCA will be our embedded counselor and works directly with our center. You can call CAPS to make an appointment with Mollibeth. Please be sure to let them know that you are a student with the LGBTQ+ Culture Center and would like to meet Mollibeth at the Center.

Other Ongoing Counseling

Students can access individual or group counseling services through CAPS, or the Center for Human Growth via the School of Education

General CAPS Information

  1. CAPS website:  
  2. CAPS services are free to IUB students that have purchased the Student Health Fee. Students that are interested in purchasing the Student Health Fee can get more information here:  
  3. Students can schedule an Initial Consultation calling 812-855-5711 
  4. If a student experienced a sexual assault, the Sexual Assault Crisis Service (SACS) team is here to help. SACS is a special part of CAPS, staffed by counselors who specialize in working with those who have experienced sexual violence.
  5. Emergency services appointments are available for students at CAPS, Mondays - Fridays 8 am –4:30 pm. After hours, students can access the crisis line calling 812-855-5711, option 1.  
  6. Faculty and staff concerned about an IUB student can call the center to consult with a CAPS counselor. Review the article “A guide for supporting students in distress” to access information about how to Recognize, Respond and Refer a student in distress:
  7. CAPS offers drop-in workshops, support groups and therapy groups, offered in-person and virtual:
  8. The WellTrack app is a free app that is available to all Indiana University Bloomington students. It is designed to help you understand your mental health and to provide you with the help that you need right now.  WellTrack's suite of online tools and courses use aspects of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy to help you identify, understand, and address issues like stress, resiliency, anxiety and/or depression.  
  9. As a reminder, CAPS offers orientations and topic presentations, this can be requested using this link: [Request a presentation]

Writing Tutorial Services

**NOT available for Fall 2023**

Writing Tutorial Services (WTS) offers students one-on-one help with any phase of the writing process—from brainstorming to revising the final draft. When you visit WTS, you'll find a tutor who is a sympathetic and helpful reader of your prose.

Tutors can help you:

  • Develop strong thesis statements
  • Develop effective outlines
  • Find and integrate credible sources
  • Identify patterns of error and fix these problems on your own
  • Understand and avoid plagiarism
  • Write effective answers to essay exam questions

WTS is at the LGBTQ+ Culture Center on Mondays and Wednesdays from 3-5pm. No appointment needed - drop in any time! To access WTS in other locations, visit

Free HIV/STI Testing

Positive Link offers free and confidential HIV testing in Room 101 of the LGBTQ+ Culture Center on Thursdays from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Testing is available weekly when classes are in session and on first and third Thursdays during the summer. Additionally, during the school year, the Monroe County Health Department offers free chlamydia and gonorrhea testing on the third Thursday of every month at the same time & location.

Free Safer Sex Supplies

The LGBTQ+ Culture Center provides many free safer sex supplies, including various types of condoms, dental dams, and lubes, along with instructions for proper use. Supplies are offered free of charge. Interested students can find supplies near the back door of the Center, in the kitchenette.